Tableau Quiz: 1

Q1. Best method to contain a single worksheet and an easy way to quickly share your work ?
.tbm extension—saving as bookmark

Q2 .tde format defines which of the following

• .twb - an XML file containing the metadata for a Tableau workbook that includes information about the connections to the data source(s), what worksheets and dashboards are in the workbook, calculated fields created in Tableau, default color assignments, Tableau parameters, etc.

• .tde - A Tableau Data Extract that has the data from a data source stored in a columnar, highly compressed format.

• .tds - A saved data source. This has the connection information, calculated fields, color assignments, etc. that we might find in a .twb, only stored as a separate file so it's re-usable.

• .twbx - a zip file (with a different extension) that stores the .twb and all data sources (not all data sources can be exported into a .twbx, for example cubes).

• .tdsx - a zip file containing a .tds and the contents of the data source. I know this is possible, I've never seen one actually used.

Q3. Where is .tds file saved ?
 User’s disk
 Server’s disk

By default, Tableau saves .tds and .tdsx files to the Datasources folder under your Tableau repository. When you use the default location, you can connect to the data source on the Connect pane.
----Users Disk

Q4. Default Layout of Dashboard:

Q5. Default Theme of Tableau Dashboard.
1) Classic
2) Default
3) Modern
4) Previous

Q6. Container for Shelves and Legends
1) Marks
2) Shelves
3) Pills
4) Data Pane

Q7. Trend line is used when both axis are
1) Numeric
2) Date
3) String
4) Geocoding
To add trend lines to a view, both axes must contain a field that can be interpreted as a number

Q8.What happens when Force y-intercept at zero option is selected for Trendline?
1) Horizontal Trend line appears
2) Vertical Trend line appears
3) Trend Line begins at zero
Force the y-intercept to zero. This option is useful when you know that you want your trend line to begin at zero.

Q9. Types of Axis Scales in Tableau
1) Linear
2) Logarithmic
3) Exponential
4) Reversed

Q10. Background Image add has which of the following options
1) Always show entire image
2) Lock Aspect Ratio
3) Show only When
4) All of the listed options


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