Tableau Quiz: 3

Q1 Packaged Workbooks can be unpackaged. State True or False

Q2 Which requires [] by default?
1) Parameters
2) Functions
3) Operators
4) Fields
Parameters & Fields

Q3 Date values in Tableau are preceded with
1) #
2) &
3) ?

Q4 Trend line does not support which date format?
The ‘m/d/yy’ and ‘mmmm yyyy’ date formats on all data sources do not allow trend lines.

Q5 Number of show me charts in Tableau 10
1. 10
2. 24
3. 15

Q6 Legend type for a continuous measure in tableau is
1. Dropdown
2. Type in
3. Slider

Q7 When a dimension is dragged into Row/Column which of the following is created
1. Label
2. Axis
3. Header

Q8 A tooltip command button includes which of the following
1. Exclude
2. Keep only
3. View Data
4. Field values

Q9 A summary card in tableau is optional. True/False

Q10 Which of the following are optional
1. Header
2. Label
3. Field Label
4. Axis
All of the above

Q11 Which of the following trend line forms a curved line?
1. Linear
2. Logarithmic
3. Exponential
4. Polynomial
5. Power
Logarithmic, Polynomial, Power, Exponential. Logarithmic trend line forms the best-fit curved line.

Q12 Which of the following are calculation types in tableau?
1. LOD Expressions
2. Table calculations
3. Basic & Aggregate calculations
4. Calculated field

LOD Expressions, Basic & Aggregate calculations, Table calculations

Q13 What are generated values in Tableau?
1. A field in Data pane
2. An object right clicked
3. A field dragged into the view

Generated fields are some fields in data pane generated while we insert a data set.
The generated fields are:
1. Measure Name and Measure values
2. Number of records
3. Longitude and Latitude

Q14 Which of the following are menus in tableau?
1. Worksheet
2. Reports
3. Map
4. Format
5. Analysis
Worksheet, Map, Format, Analysis

Q15 Default color palette selection for tableau
1. Tableau 10
2. Tableau 8
3. Default
4. Automatic

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